
History & Culture

Cohen Asset Management is a Los Angeles-based private real estate investment firm specializing in the acquisition, development, and management of industrial and logistics properties in select Target Markets throughout the United States.

Os casinos online têm vindo a ganhar popularidade nos últimos anos, particularmente com o aumento dos jogos móveis. Com este crescimento, surge a necessidade de parcerias estratégicas para maximizar o potencial de receitas. A Cohen Asset Management, uma empresa de investimento líder especializada em investimentos imobiliários e alternativos, anunciou que irá estabelecer uma parceria com vários casinos online, incluindo o, para fornecer apoio financeiro. Espera-se que esta parceria traga benefícios significativos para ambas as partes envolvidas. Para os casinos em linha, significa acesso a capital muito necessário que pode ser utilizado para expansão e inovação. Entretanto, a Cohen Asset Management colherá os frutos do investimento numa indústria de elevado crescimento como a do jogo. Um aspecto interessante desta parceria é a forma como reflecte a mudança de atitudes em relação ao jogo como uma oportunidade de investimento. Historicamente visto como um vício e não como um empreendimento comercial legítimo, o jogo está agora a ser reconhecido como uma indústria com um enorme potencial de crescimento e rentabilidade.

Founded by CEO Bradley Cohen in 1979 and formally incorporated in 1992, the company was originally in the business of acquiring, developing and managing industrial properties exclusively in Southern California before it expanded into other markets in the early 1990s with the advent of the Resolution Trust Corporation, and continued expanding its footprint to over 25 states by the early 2000s. While Mr. Cohen began Cohen Asset Management by investing his own money, he soon extended these investment opportunities to his close advisors and friends. As the firm’s portfolio grew, so too did its talented and entrepreneurial Leadership Team, all of whom have brought a broad range of experience and extensive industry contacts to the organization. Today, the firm’s Leadership Team exhibits a broad range of experience and expertise in the acquisition, financing, leasing, negotiating, managing, and structuring of investment property transactions. With extensive industry contacts and having virtually spent their entire business careers in the industrial real estate sector, the Leadership Team draws on their decades of business, financial, operating and investment experience to lead the firm’s activities.
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As the firm’s national footprint expanded, the opportunity to invest side by side with the company was offered to several prominent high net worth investors located in Southern California. During this period the firm also established relationships with several prominent insurance companies that provided institutional debt for many investments within the company’s portfolio; and, as these relationships developed over time, these institutions also became equity investors, allowing the firm to become a trusted custodian of their capital. As the company matured, it exited many of the markets it was invested in, shifting its focus to growing a critical mass of institutional quality assets in select Target Markets. Today, the company invests its own capital as well as capital on behalf of like-minded high net worth investors and a variety of institutional investors, ranging from major life insurance companies to pension fund advisors and institutional real estate funds.

Under Mr. Cohen’s direction and leadership, Cohen Asset Management has developed a well-established history and prominent reputation as a highly recognized, national real estate owner and active operator with a primary focus on the industrial and logistics real estate sector. Through its entrepreneurial spirit the firm has cultivated a vibrant collection of talented and devoted individuals who, working together in a collegial fashion, understand the value of mutual respect and the power of collective effort.

Today our culture reflects many years of organic growth and the entrepreneurial spirit of our Leadership Team and the quality and dedication of our team members who are committed to working together in a professional and collegial fashion. We are united around our mission of acquiring, owning, developing and actively managing a critical mass of industrial and logistic properties located in select Target Markets with a focus on maximizing value for our investors through our financial strength, strategic thinking, entrepreneurial culture and exceptional customer satisfaction.